Energy Management
In 2025 Aruba will be maximizing its use of locally available natural renewable energy resources and recycling its waste in a responsible and sustainable way...
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In 2025 Aruba will be an island where we live happily and our people respect and protect each others space, behavior and environment. We aspire sustainable initiatives and development that maintains prosperity and contribute to a balanced quality of live. We strive for the maximum conservation of our social, cultural and natural heritage and resources as a basis of our existence..
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International Financial Center
Aruba has the opportunity to become an important player in the financial world with an International Financial Center...
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Community Based Initiatives
Aruba na aña 2025 ta un biaha mas entre e nacionnan mas feliz di mundo. Nos ta conoci como un nacion unda seguridad publico, tolerancia social y solidaridad ta prevalece. Nos populacion- consistiendo di diferente grupo etnico y nacionalidad- ta biba den harmonia y progreso. Libertad y respet pa e diversidad di expresionnan cultural (tradicional) ta co-existi cu promocion sistematico y celebracion di patrimonio y idioma local...
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In 2025 all citizens feel like subjects and not like objects, governed by an accountable, efficient, effective and transparent public sector. There is public and private partnership focused on a sustainable & diverse society that produces benefits in terms of wellbeing and the development of each citizens personal capacities...
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Socio-Economic Structure
Aruba’s society has achieved a good balance between prosperity and social well being for individual citizens and enterprises. The economy is diversified to a broad extent with tourism providing 40% of GDP and transport, financial services and knowledge-based activities making up most of the remainder. Although the economy is closely interlinked to the regional and world economies, it is less dependent on foreign investment and labour and more driven by high-skilled labour and Aruban ingenuity, creativity and entrepreneurship. Sustainable initiatives are stimulated by fiscal incentives...
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Nation of Innovation
Aspiration Statement
In 2025 Aruba will be the place where innovative people will share innovative ideas in an innovation-friendly environment.
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Sustainable Tourism
Mirando e importancia cu e topico aki ta representa mundialmente, Turismo sostenibel no a keda sin ricibi su debido atencion durante diferente di e eventonan organiza en connecion cu Nos Aruba 2025. Pa e motibo aki, un comishon di enfoque a wordo forma y actualmente ta trahando cu hopi entusiasmo y dedicacion pa asina, logra tur e diferente obhetivonan prinicipal cu a wordo proponi den e plan di accion designa pa e topico importante aki...
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Sustainable Food Supplies
The Goal
A sustainable Aruba that is developing for the benefit of all people and stakeholders of Aruba and that offers a healthy future for our children and our grandchildren which will make them proud to be Arubans.
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Sport & Nutrition
Today, 1st of January, 2025, the Aruban community uses sport and nutrition as the most important tool to achieve a healthy way of living. The focal point on health care is on the preventive side more then on the curative side...
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Aspiration Statement
“Na 2025 Aruba ta un pais cu un cultura optimalmente desaroya den tur sentido, den cua a logra un sintesis holistico di tur aspecto cultural.
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Lifelong Learning and Personal Development
‘Live to Learn, Learn to Live’
In the year 2025 the Aruban community is convinced that…
Development, growth and learning are an essential and continuous process throughout your whole life.
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